Why exceptional ...

I state on the first page that mobbing victims are commonly enthusiastic high achievers

Why do I consider myself to be in this category? to be an exceptional faculty member?

While at MacEwan,

  • I was active in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). (Few faculty were at all involved in research of any kind.)
  • I regulary attended and presented at education conferences and brought ideas from those conferences to the department. (Few faculty attended conferences of any kind.)
  • I was active in institutional affairs, regularly requested to sit on institutional committees.
  • I was an advocate for quality educational programming. 
  • I was active in designing the new science program, including leading the development of a technical communication course.
  • I contributed substantially to the first-year laboratory manual, including several new experiments.
  • I was writing a general chemistry textbook, and had over 1000 pages written before being forced from MacEwan. (I am only now slowing getting back to working on this textbook.)

Since being forced from MacEwan,

  • I wrote two academic books. (For a total of three books; almost 2000 published pages.) 
  • I will finish two book chapters shortly.
  • I won two student nominated teaching awards.
  • I was selected by students to be the guest speaker at the B.Sc. graduation banquet. (Of all their instructors, the students remembered my first year instruction from four years earlier and selected me. I am humbled and honored.)
  • I developed a method for classroom video capture that is now being promoted by my current institution (and raved about by students).
  • Many people commented that one chapter (on learning) in my book was execptionally valuable for students and instructors. Reviewers who are K-12 teachers commented that this one chapter contains more information on pedagogy than what they learned getting their B.Ed. So I made this chapter available for free and encourage everyone to share it with colleagues, new instructors, and students.
  • I was requested to sit on two course design committees because of my interest in pedagogy.

Comparing this with what other MacEwan science faculty have achieved, exceptional is a fitting term.


A special message to Pat Sullivan: you abused your position as Associate Dean of Science to oppress my instructional strategies, make me question myself, and force me to conform to your "standard" instructional practices. You called my teaching ability "marginal". Pat: you have no idea what quality teaching is. You went into administration to get out of teaching, and were an administrator for around ten years when you started psychologically abusing me. You were not teaching at all in that ten years. With the freedom to innovate after being forced from MacEwan, I am able to make a positive difference in many students lives and assist other instructors do the same. I innovated the use of classroom video capture. I created instructional and educational videos. I receive accolades from students, both individually and collectively. Pat: This link is for you. 

To everyone: what could I have achieved if I had not been targetted? If I had had support instead of abuse? What is the current state of faculty oppression at MacEwan? How detrimental is that to the academic programs?