Date abuse started move to early 2009 ...

It was in the summer of 2010 that I really noticed that administrators were targetting me. 

However, the abuse started much earlier. The earliest documented event was in January 2009, when David Higgins called me to his office to give me some "advice". This in itself was unusual. No other faculty member I consulted had ever heard of this. The meeting lasted less than two minutes. Verbally, Higgins strongly encouraged me to let Administration do its job of running MacEwan, handed me a letter, and that was it. The "advice" letter said much the same thing, but indirectly. Again, the people I showed the letter to were surprised and somewhat concerned for me.

Later that summer (summer 2009), I asked to see my personnel file. I discovered the "advice" letter in my file. There was no indication verbally or on the letter itself that it would be placed on my file. My colleagues were now very concerned. Several commented that Administration might be building a case for dismissal. The Faculty Association, in their usual style, weren't interested in getting involved. In hindsight, Administration was building a case for dismissal. The "advice" letter and its magical appearance in my personnel file is the first evidence of MacEwan Administrators building a case for my dismissal.

So, the psychological abuse started in early 2009, with planning starting before then.