A pattern of administrative abuse ...

I know of at least FOUR faculty who have left MacEwan under questionable circumstances: myself and three others. While details are of course sketchy (except for mine, which is publicized here), the evidence suggests that they were all psychologically abused before being forced from MacEwan.

  1. [2008 - 2010] A faculty member in the Faculty of Arts and Science suddenly departed. We were told that this person refused their teaching assignment; we believed it. David Higgins was heavily involved in this (making Higgins a serial abuser).
  2. [2009 - 2012] Me! Also from the Faculty of Arts and Science. Detailed herein. 
  3. [2008 - 2009, 2012-2013] A faculty member in the Faculty of Fine Arts and Communication survived a first targeting attempt. However, the same abusive administrator was left in charge, and succeeded the second time. This faculty member is highly regarded in their field, had an large external research grant, but was also forced to teach 10 courses per year. Overwhelming.
  4. [2013 - 2014] A faculty member in the Faculty of Arts and Science was forced to leave MacEwan.

I have credible information on three of the four. All were exceptional faculty, going above and beyond in their teaching and research.* The Faculty Association refused or minimally got involved. So while MacEwan Administration is a serial abuse, the MacEwan Faulty Association repeatedly fails to protect its faculty.

Take home messages for current MacEwan faculty:

  • MacEwan Administration is dysfunctional. They use psychological abuse to manage faculty. 
  • The MacEwan Faculty Association will not support you.
  • MacEwan wants good faculty; exceptional faculty are targets.
  • MacEwan is a failed university.


*. Yes, I am exceptional in the context of a teaching and pedagogy. I have written three academic books, am active in pedagogical scholarship, and have recieved two student awards for teaching excellence.