Sent to selected MacEwan Administrators ...

For six months now, has detailed the psychological abuse I suffered at the hands of MacEwan Administration and chronicled the failure of the current Administration to address that psychological abuse. The longer exists, the more substantiated the arguments and the more people that become aware of the abuse. By the end of September, around half of the Canadian academic community will know about (and know how MacEwan uses psychological abuse to manage employees).

"[ is] a case study of an academic mobbing, ... [presented] in a calm, reasoned, balanced way, with documentary evidence in support of your account and analysis." — Canadian workplace mobbing researcher

"In this job, reputation is everything." — Janet Paterson-Weir (paradoxically, used by JPW to justify abusing me)

MacEwan is on-track to becoming an academic pariah, thanks to an abusive and ineffectual Administration. Is any MacEwan administrator prepared to address the wrongdoing, advocate for changes to repair MacEwan Administration, and endeavor to save MacEwan for its students, faculty, and administrators?

PrairieU, M.Sc., Ph.D
 award winning educator
 author of three academic books