The psychology of a workplace bully
"When shame threatens people who bully – for example, when they risk looking incompetent at work – they will attack others."
"... bullies tend to have high self-esteem and hubristic pride. They attack others to take away their shame – which allows them to remain unaware of their feelings"
"... people who bullies target tend to be sensitive people who are likely to attack themselves in response to shame. Another response, withdrawal, hides one’s feelings from others and can lead to depression. This response is common in people who are subjected to prolonged attacks of bullying in the workplace, and can be just as harmful as self-attacking."
[Bullies attack others to hide their own insecurities.] "Attacking others not only blots out the shame they are feeling, but it also stimulates the experience of power."
"The way to deal with bullies is to unite with your co-workers."
[Bullies do not recognize their actions are harmful, and will not stop.]
Conclusion: bullies cannot be rehabilitated. The sooner they are removed from the organization, the better it is for the victim and the organization. Bullies should not be put in positions of authority nor given authority over anyone else.